Depressed about your work? Feeling dispirited? A savvy career education review may tell you it’s not your job.
Career education wisdom says, “You have to choose to do the best you can with what you have where you are.” So, short of finding another job, what can you do?
Here are some tips that can help you see work in a new light and spice up a dull job.
1. Start to see the big picture. Lots of people are ready to tell us what we should be. But we need to find out for ourselves what we want to be. So, ask yourself, “What is it that I’m doing? How important is it? How does it fit into the big picture?”
Recognizing that you are part of a bigger machine and that you are important to the functioning of that machine can give you a sense of self worth.
2. Focus on other people. If you’re concerned only about yourself and your bad feelings, you only intensify the negative. If you can help other people it puts your situation in perspective.
For example, volunteer to help a co-worker finish a big project. Or show someone how to use a particular skill you’ve acquired.
3. Let go and laugh. Forget the wrongs, real or imaginary, that someone perpetrated on you a couple weeks ago. It’s just not worth holding on to. If you relive it over and over, you’re beating yourself up–not the other party.
When you let go of the past you embrace the present. That includes learning to laugh. Laughter releases the tension in you and allows you to let go and do your job better.
4. Know when it’s time to say “enough.” You may ultimately find that even with your best attitude your job just doesn’t live up to your expectations. If you absolutely abhor what you’re doing, then it’s time to start looking around. Find out what does turn you on.
Career education advice recommends that you carefully explore your options before precipitously making a move. Even in the worst circumstance you still have a job and a paycheck. But just men tally turning the corner and recognizing it’s time to move on can give your current job a boost, at least temporarily.